Dear Parent/Carers

End of Term – 12 noon, Friday 17th December 2021

I am writing to you to thank you all so much for the support you have given the school this term. This has been another extremely challenging year and term for us all.

So, at this time of year we normally reflect on the year that has passed and look forward to the New Year.  Personally, I am so thankful for the hard work, determination and resilience that the students and staff have shown this year despite all the continued unprecedented challenges we have experienced.

The students have adapted so well to all the changes and routines in school.  They have followed the one way systems moved around school sensibly and being respectful and considered each other’s safety by wearing their masks.

The children have been a true credit to all parents, carers and the community.  I am so proud of the Shevington Family and how we continue to work together to get through the ups and downs and challenges of Covid 19.

Therefore, I would like to wish you all a lovely Christmas and Happy New year.  I hope you all have a relaxing time over the festive season.  We are looking forward to returning in January to a New Year and new term with refreshed enthusiasm and hope for the future.

This term will end on Friday 17th December 2021 as originally planned in our calendar.  School will close early at 12 noon and buses will be provided at this time.  Students that are entitled to free school meals are requested to purchase their lunch at break time.

Due to the latest government guidance we are required to LFT test students as we return in January before students resume learning.  To enable the testing we will be having a staggered return similar to September.


5th January 2022 Return Year 7,10&11
6th January 2022 Return Year 8 & 9


Yours sincerely

Mr J Grant
