Options Change Request Form


Key Stage 4    2024-26 Information

In the spring term of Year 9, all pupils are informed about the choices that they can make for their KS4 courses.  Each year, we review the courses that we offer based on the success of the courses in the previous year, evaluation of new courses that are available and their success in other local schools and the popularity of courses and the availability of specialist staff in school to deliver particular courses.  This means that although some courses are offered every year, others may not be available to every cohort.

The information here outlines the courses on offer for the consideration of our current Year 9 students.  Depending on the popularity of these courses some may be available to multiple groups of students and others may be oversubscribed if we can not accommodate multiple groups in a specialist area where there is only one subject specialist.  Pupils and parents should read this information very carefully, following the advice included to select 4 subjects and reserve subjects.

Please click below  to view Option Information 2024-2026

Option Information 2024-2026

Here is our timeline for completing the options process.  Please note that students will receive the options form via their parents email address once they have attended a one to one meeting regarding their proposed choices.


If you have any further questions regarding the options process, then you can send in your question via the google form below and indicate whether you would like a phone call or email response to your question.  We will respond as quickly as we can, but please be mindful that it may take longer if there are lots of questions asked at the same time.